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one idea to make the ladder perfect
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Messages: 10,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,


Messages: 10,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
I like the idea to make the ladder more meaningfull.
With random games, people who farm bots, unfair maps or play multiple accounts are stopped from getting points.

But I think people do hate being forced to play random games. Nearly all the people I talked to (all of them top-100 Players) hate this. Especially, if there is an option to "Stop ramdom Games" which has no effect.

So I think you should give everybody who wants a way to stop block random games.

This does leave one problem: How is it possible to reduce the points of players who got their points farming, etc?
The most easiest way would be to reduce everybody points like:
New points = (Old Points - 1500)/2 + 1500

Of course the would cause an rising of all players. Nobody wants their points cut. So don't do it. Instead, change the number of winning-points you get for a game in a way that has the same result. This could be done quite easily. Change the formula, in a way, that the same difference in skill between two players will result in the difference in points being greater than it is now.

The next paragraph is regarding the math implementing this change into the game. This is interesiting to uniwar-Devs and math-interested people only.

Give me one example, considering two players:
Player A is better than player B
Player A wins 2/3 of the games, player B 1/3 of the games (playing against each other)
So at the equilibrium, which describes the the rating of the players, where there are rated according to their skills, the number of points both players do win and loose is equal.
Points won = Points loosed
for Player A that is:
2/3* points won for each game = 1/3 *points loosed for each game
points won each game = 1/2 points loosed each game

Now the number of points won and loosed is a function of the number of the ranking of both players:
points won = f(rating player A, Rating Player B)
points lost = f(ratng player A, Rating Player B)

If you change this formula (which is part of the uniwar code), in a way that the equilibrium moves to another position regarding the ranking of the players, you got it. In order to get the same effect as cutting the ranking of the current players, you have to shift the function in way, that the difference of the ranking has less effects (or in other words the ranking difference has to be bigger in order ot result in the same effect on points won)

see part II ...

Messages: 10,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,


Messages: 10,
Joined: Dec 02, 2010,
(see fist post) ....
I don't know the current formula (never bothered) calculating the points won. For the next paragraph, I just assume that the

number of points won = f(delta(rating winning Player, Rating loosing Player)

You could change this formula:

Points won new = Points won old Function ( 1/2* delta(rating winning Player, Rating loosing Player))

As the delta will be of less importance this way (exactly half the importance) the rating difference of the players will get twice as high to compensate this.

This result is quite interesting, because at first, it is counter-intuitive: You have to make the effect of the difference in ranking less important, to get more difference in ranking. You sort of stretch the scale.

This will have the same effect as stripping half of the points of all current players, without doing so. So you don't need to force no one, to play random games. The people who don't want, will be just get overtaken by other good players, who earned their rank without tricks, soon.

Of course this "2" "1/2" etc, is just an example, you can choose any number you want.

just my 2 cents

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