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In an ever-flushing quincy wasteland'ish world, called Pashaka' Palms, where laws, Mexican strawberries and forRUMz do not exist. Where every new Honey-fuggle seems to be-a gimmicKRY from a gallnipper, and currently in the midst of 'The Great Bot Migration' of 4248. In order to stake their claims, two mail-order Milestonemongers mUSt or mustn't kick up a row against the not-so tenderfooted Tarnation! ...henchmen, and yes women too, lookin' at the mules tail through UNItown after UNItown. Only one Bart will end this as the sophisticated urbanite uncorkin' the bronc ...the other? Up a tree, treed. #FreeForBots but you'z pay a wee #FEE 256 uc

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This is a single-elimination tournament. The loser of each bracket is immediately eliminated from the tournament. All games are unrated & mirrored. Each player play 2 games per round. In the 2nd game, players switch position and race.

The draw is organized by score. It is forbidden for a player to register with multiple accounts. We automatically cancel the registration of inactive players.

All games are created with 12 hours time limit per turn except for the 1st turn which has 1 day time limit. Each round of the tournament has a maximum of 28 days. For unfinished games at the end of a round, we compare the statistics of the same number of turns for each player, the winner is the one who has
1.Captured the highest number of bases
2.The highest total value of killed units
Otherwise, the game is a draw.

Rounds can be automatically prolonged by participants with the chat-command #needtime maximum 3 times for 48 hours each. If additional time is needed, players can contact the tourney manager with a personal message at least 48 hours before the round ends.

Each game gives points based on the outcome.
Win= 3 points.
Draw= 1 point.
Loss= 0 point.
The player who has the most points in the bracket advances to the next round. When both players have the same number of points at the end of a round, the winner is the one who has
1.The least number of rounds for all the WON games
= rounds for all games.
= rounds for WON games
2.The highest total value of killed units for all games
Otherwise, the winner is randomly chosen but that should never happen unless the participants did not make any move.

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